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We offer full range of data recovery services for individuals & businesses
Our expert RAID recovery engineers specialize in restoring critical data from a variety of RAID array storage media; including RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 5.
We offer dedicated server repair and recovery through a large network of facilities. Our engineers will recover your data and minimize your downtime & data loss.
Ransomware Data Recovery
Our trained specialists are able to reconstruct all or part of the database contents by recovering data from the original database or repairing backup files.
Our technicians are trained to locate isolated groups of data that remain on your hard-drive that are not recognized by the operating system, even if the device is damaged.
Regain access to your most important files in a matter of hours. Get help from certified professionals. We specialize in laptop data recovery.
Our certified technicians use advanced software that pairs with Android / iOS technology to retrieve and restore lost data from your Apple products.
IPhone Data Recovery
Our technicians are skilled in recovering data dropped, water damaged, or corrupted iPhone devices.
If your VMware/Hyper-V data has been lost or damaged, we can provide you with non-disruptive testing of centralized recovery systems for all virtualized applications.
Forensic Data Recovery
Extraction of data from digital evidence sources. The evidence recovered can later be relied on in a court of law.
See what other have to say. Our reputation speaks for itself.
Mike Lewis
Confidential Investigations
Sergey Kats
C.E.O of Kats Law
Jeffrey McConocha
President of
Question & answers about Data Recovery:
Data loss can be a nightmare for any business or individual. It can happen due to many reasons such as virus attack, hardware failure, software malfunctioning and even human error. Data Recovery is the process of retrieving data from damaged, failed or corrupted storage devices such as RAID-arrays, hard disk drives, storage tapes and many other electronic storage devices.
RAID 1 recovery generally recovers data from failed or corrupted RAID 1-based arrays. Typically, in such a scenario, RAID 1 recovery requires creating a block-level copy or image of each sector on each hard drive within the array. These images are used for restoring data on the array when required.
Are you looking for a data recovery service? We are one of the most trusted data recovery companies in the US. Our engineers have successfully recovered over 500,000 drives and we’ve been doing this for more than 10 years. We know what it takes to get your files back safely and securely every time.
Whether you need photos, music, videos, documents or anything else on your hard drive restored – we can help! And if you choose not to move forward with our services after receiving a quote, there is no charge at all! It’s that simple.
There’s never an obligation when working with us so feel free to explore other options before making a decision about which company will be best for you. But once you do decide on DataRetrieval as your partner in getting back lost digital memories…you won't regret it!
Call us now. We can help you recover your data in less then 24h.
Absolutely. If you’re looking for a professional and reliable data recovery service, we can help. We have the experience and expertise necessary to get your files back. Our team of experts will work around the clock until they find a solution that works for you. Call DataRetrieval for professional data recovery
How Much Does Data Recovery Cost?
Data recovery pricing is based on the scope of work required to safely and reliably restore your data.
An exact price is provided once the storage is diagnosed. There are no hidden fees. Our data recovery quotes are affordable.
We’re the best at what we do and our prices are unbeatable. Call us now to start recovering your data offers clients secure data recovery services so that you can rest easy knowing that your information is kept private.
Keep in mind that RAID rebuild time depends on two things: the quantity of data being calculated and the capacity of the array itself. A smaller RAID array can be rebuilt in just a few hours, while more complex ones can take well over 24 hours.
Choose one of our three delivery options:
- Recommended way of media delivery
- Easy. You do not have to do anything or go anywhere, we do all the work.
- Fast. The courier can pick up your media devices in as little as 30 minutes.
- Secure. Your media is secure with our specialized couriers during the delivery process.
- Safe. The media devices are safely delivered to us.
- You may choose to ship your media to us
- We will provide a free FedEx shipping label
- Subject to FedEx office hours
- May be done though not recommended
- Media can be dropped off by appointments only
- Subject to office hours
- Parking fees may apply
- Some locations require access pass to enter